Sunday, October 17, 2010

Not A Hint of Womanly Appeal- Alcohol Abuse

As compared to earlier centuries, women presently are certainly better off . Not anymore intended to be only seen and never heard, a lot of them are demonstrating their great value in many fields. And the battlecry that goes ""what men can do, women can do better"" has been oscillated in other nations, now occupying the world in different languages. True, women these days have a lot more freedom to exercise their rights. At the same time, they still hold the luxury of the safeguard of their sexuality. But when it comes to exercising the right to drink (which almost usually leads to alcohol misuse, women are not by any means protected by their being a woman. In fact, it jeopardises them.

Drinking alcohol is famous NOT to result to a healthier life. But, studies have shown that ladies who drink are far more susceptible to developing critical health issues than guys who drink. Alcohol consumption, in the long run, is merciless to everybody but it is a lot more vicious to women.

Water content in the body is critical to the would-be effects that alcohol might bring to a person. Alcohol passes through the gastrointestinal tract and with water, it gets dispersed to other parts of the entire body. The higher the water content, the more diluted the alcohol. Females, usually weighing less than men, have less water in their bodies. Hence, the alcohol-water concentrate is more deadly than it is in males. This innocent distinction in women's bodies is the reason for the existence of grave repercussions that their drinking might bring.

Between alcohol abuse by a man and a woman who drinks much less than him in her total lifetime, the lady will be affected more with regards to the horrendous medical aftermath. Alcoholic hepatitis (liver inflammation) is more probable to come to her and she'd be nearer to liver cirrhosis than he ever will be. She'd also be more vulnerable to alcohol-related heart issues. Brain damage from alcohol can occur in her more than it can in him. Cancers of the breast, the digestive track and the head and neck will be easily accessed by her when compared to him. And of course, it is a lot more likely for her to fall victim to physical violence and sexual assaults than it is for him.

Yes, women have as much right as men to do the things that they need to do. But drinking isn't something which a a woman have to do to declare that to the world. Because, in the end, it's potential to cripple your life is far more deadly compared to Dark Ages.

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