Thursday, October 21, 2010

Alcohol Abuse and Driving - The Route to Damage

Life becomes interesting when folks take risks. Occasionally, you just need to roll the dice to make the uncovering of a pleasurable surprise even more impressive. Winning won't happen if you don't have the guts to bet. Yes, life, from time to time, necessitates you to say the heck with it, let's shuffle the cards. But when you play games with alcohol abuse, it will by no means give you a nice hand.

Drinking and driving is one of the ways numerous people, particularly young ones, undertake to taunt life. Bolstered by a very phony impression of invincibility and immortality, they throw caution to the wind and steer the wheel. But,alcoholism and driving is an extremely destructive combination. It's got a reputation of leading an individual on the road to destruction.

Because it is a depressant, alcohol blunts the cognitive capabilities of a person. That is why driving drunk is a ridiculous thought.

Driving drunk of alcohol will lower your power to react to cases appropriately and rationally. When the light alters from green to red or when individuals cross the street, you may not be able to brake appropriately as fast as you can if you're sober. And that difference in seconds can indicate the difference between life and death. Night vision and color perception might be impacted, which can get you to contemplate if the traffic light is telling you to stop or to go. The rapt attention so essential to driving will not noticeable in a drunk driver, too. Drowsiness is also one more dangerous side effect. Imagine closing your eyes inside your car on a superhighway. Poor judgement would ensue, rendering it difficult to differentiate a moving vehicle from a tree inside the center island. And essential eye-hand-foot coordination will be in danger, which is almost tantamount to riding shotgun beside a two-year-old driver.

Alcohol heats up bad selections. And if it is mixed with other substances like sleeping pills, stimulants, prescription medicine and marijuana, the dangerous consequences are doubled.

There's a thin line between being adventurous and being foolhardy. Alcohol abuse blurs that line. When you listen to the call of the bottle, when you ought to fold, that's next to saying you will raise the stakes on your own life even to a level you cannot cope with anymore until abruptly, you understand you've lost and that you're already out of the game.

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